Great Year

Great Year

What qualifies as a great year in business? To me, customers who look forward to seeing our cart week after week, is great. Customers who refer their friends to our food cart or customers who hire us for a private event is a huge success. Events that ask us to please return next year is a positive sign. And then there is the idea of profit. Albeit small, we had a profit. I would rather ave a small profit to a loss anyway.

We had a great year! Of that I am sure. I can’t wait till next season.

Living As An RVer Full-TIme and Trying Out My New Idea


With a little creativity you can find ways to make money while you travel.
The possibilities here are endless, only limited by your abilities and
imagination. With access to the Internet, many traditional jobs can be
done remotely as you travel. Here are  some possibilities but they are
just to jump-start your thinking. There are many books and websites
with a huge selection of ideas:

  • WorkCamp  (Click Here for detailed information)
  • Make crafts and sell them
  • Buy and sell on Ebay
  • Create works of art and sell them
    • Create works of art and sell them
    • Handyman services
    • House painting
    • Animal grooming
    • Auto detailing
    • Knife Sharpening
    • Web Site creation and maintenance
    • Photography
    • Sewing
    • Accounting

    This life can be for you if you want it! We have shown that you can live on
    very little, and four ways to make the little money you do need. So what
    is holding you back? For most of us it is fear. Let’s address that and
    show you a simple strategy to overcome your fears.

    Overcoming Your Fears.
    This is a tough one. Many of us live lives of quiet desperation, hating our
    jobs, and just enduring our life. We meet our obligations and conform to
    societies dictates.  On the surface, all looks good. But on the inside is a
    desperate but muffled cry for a life of passion, adventure and travel.
    Summed up in one word it is a cry for FREEDOM!!  This is probably
    overstating it, but if you look at your life, you can probably find some
    element of it in there. What holds us back? Why can’t we break out of
    our rut into a new and exciting life? For most of us it is fear. An
    unpleasant but acceptable present is better than an unknown and
    dangerous future. So, how do you overcome your fears? Allow me to
    lead you through an exercise to overcome a fear.

    The first and hardest step is to take an unflinching look at ourselves and
    identify the fears that hold us back.  I will list a few possibilities, but
    remember this is just a starting place, you must do the hard work of
    finding your own fears.

    • Fear of going broke and being homeless and penniless.
    • Fear of being alone. 
    • Fear for my physical safety. 
    • Fear of failure.
    • Fear that I’m not good enough.
    • Fear of what others will think.
    • Fear of the unknown.
    • Fear that I’m Too Young


So what is my idea? Stay tuned to next post.







  • Handyman services
  • House painting
  • Animal grooming
  • Auto detailing
  • Knife Sharpening
  • Web Site creation and maintenance
  • Photography
  • Sewing
  • Accounting

This life can be for you if you want it! We have shown that you can live on
very little, and four ways to make the little money you do need. So what
is holding you back? For most of us it is fear. Let’s address that and
show you a simple strategy to overcome your fears.

Overcoming Your Fears.
This is a tough one. Many of us live lives of quiet desperation, hating our
jobs, and just enduring our life. We meet our obligations and conform to
societies dictates.  On the surface, all looks good. But on the inside is a
desperate but muffled cry for a life of passion, adventure and travel.
Summed up in one word it is a cry for FREEDOM!!  This is probably
overstating it, but if you look at your life, you can probably find some
element of it in there. What holds us back? Why can’t we break out of
our rut into a new and exciting life? For most of us it is fear. An
unpleasant but acceptable present is better than an unknown and
dangerous future. So, how do you overcome your fears? Allow me to
lead you through an exercise to overcome a fear.

The first and hardest step is to take an unflinching look at ourselves and
identify the fears that hold us back.  I will list a few possibilities, but
remember this is just a starting place, you must do the hard work of
finding your own fears.

  • Fear of going broke and being homeless and penniless.
  • Fear of being alone 
  • Fear for my physical safety. 
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear that I’m not good enough.
  • Fear of what others will think.
  • Fear of the unknown.
  • Fear that I’m Too Young

Why am I blogging?


That is a really good question. I am trying to enhance my technical skills. Rather, learn elementary technical skills. I want to stay current with the technological movement so that I will be in tune with the younger generations and I want to try something that I didn’t think I could do. I realize that there are likely more blogs in the universe than humans. How many people do I really expect to follow this?

In a perfect world…No really, I don’t know. I am trying to find my niche. I want to ultimately sell my Italian Ice online. I am in the midst of making that happen. Tonight, my husband and I are going to a WordPress meeting to gain some insight and help. We have so many questions to ask and goals to reach. We are not exactly sure how to pose these questions. We get excited when we successfully upload a picture, but when the computer tells us we need it in jpg form with particular size dimensions, we stumble. We will not give up. We do not want to hand the tasks over to a “professional.” We want to do it ourselves. We want to grow. We know we will struggle and feel less than bright. We know we will succeed. We just don’t know how long it will take for us to get there.

Stay tuned and keep following. Feel free to tell your friends.

Hard work really pays off.


Hard work really pays off.

I finally made a connection to the Youth Football League. “Of course I could sell my ice at their Saturday games,” said the head of the league. This is the kind of venue I have been searching for. As I become a little more comfortable with understanding my prime consumer base, it is kids who love ice ALL of the time. When you consider how hot and thirsty kids are after a football game, it is even more ideal.

I am so grateful for the opportunity. Of course, I will donate a portion of the proceeds back to the league. Of course, I hope I donate a lot!

Determination and Effort


Determination and Effort

For the past 3 days I have been helping a 21 year old student study for his Geometry final as he is on his way toward his GED.

I asked him why he was suddenly motivated to complete his high school education. He told me he finally realized how important finishing high school was with respect to his future. I told him how proud I was of his decision. He said, “Thanks, but you are only like 10 years older than I am.” I thanked him and continued helping him with his studies. If he thinks I am 31 years old, I will help him as much as he wants.

In all honesty, it was so refreshing to see a student want to be at school. He leaves at 11:00 every day to go to work. The three hours he has been spending with me in the morning is amazing to me. I hope he is an inspiration to others.

My current dilemma is…


Do I work an event or go see a show that has been one of my favorites for 4 decades? I know that as a small business owner, eating, breathing and sleeping the business is important for its success. I also know that taking time for yourself, enjoying special moments and living is paramount for a healthy and happy life.

So, I decided to do both. I will work an event for about an hour on Sunday morning and then head off to see Pippin in the afternoon. Image

A happy compromise for my business and me.Image


“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enable us to count our blessings.”

I have had this quote hanging in my math classrooms for years. I read it, understand it and believe it every single day. Unfortunately, many of my students don’t care to read it, don’t try to understand it and can’t believe it.  Well, they might believe it in the future, but for now, some of them seem so closed off to the possibility of a future brighter than their present, they are literally unable and unwilling to see that MORE is a possibility. MORE what?

More than they have now. More confidence, more hope, more options, more financial stability, more opportunities and more of anything else they desire.

I have been trying to crack this puzzle for as long as I have been teaching. Yes, I know I can help one or two kids or see the proverbial light or show the some students that as strict as I am, I care deeply about them and their success. What I can’t seem to be able to do is to make them ALL care. They need to care about themselves, their dignity, their prospects, their souls, their humanity and the world in which we all live. This perpetual problem is one with which I struggle daily.


“The hardest ar…

So a student walks into my room wearing an ankle monitor


So a student walks into my room wearing an ankle monitor

to tell her sister that the police had just arrived at school to talk to her. She claimed she had no idea why. I asked her sister, a student in my room, why her sister had an ankle bracelet. She proceeded to tell me the story and then she and I started to talk about her life, her interests, etc. She asked about me.

And then she asked, “What do you like better, teaching or running your own business?”

I thought for a millisecond and responded, “I like them both equally.” When you teach and really bond with a student, that is the pinnacle of the profession. Owning my own small business was not that important at that moment. That’s why I didn’t give up teaching completely.